I’m not sure how David Lintern and I ever first got to know each other. In fact as with a lot of my friends associated with outdoor circles, I haven’t met a lot of them. Somewhere in the recent past, whether it was a friending on Facebook, someone else sending me the link to his excellent Self Powered website, or whatever, I’m glad we made the acquaintance.
David hosts Self Powered Radio and has interviewed, amongst others, Chris Townsend. So, when he asked me if I’d like to do an interview with him, I jumped at the chance. It was meant to coincide with The Great Outdoors Magazine awards and get aired before but what with his, and my commitments, we didn’t manage to quite pull it off. And, as it was recorded over Skype, I still haven’t met him! If you want to listen to the full hour we chatted for click on the link in the right hand margin or here:
David also has just won 1st prize in the ‘Mountains and Me’ category at the 10th Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival 2012 with the shot below. Clicking on the photo will also take you to his excellent website.
Well done chap!
(Photo: David Lintern. No? Really?)