Have you had your outdoor nibbles today?
Cooking with an umbrella?
A little notification popped up on Twitter this morning. Turns out some guy from down under came across my umbrella blog post from a while back and he’s now tinkering about with them, namely in an attempt to develop an interesting new cooking system for the outdoors! Yeah, I know, slightly off the beaten track and his efforts are still very much in the development stage, but it makes for interesting, if slightly amusing reading!
Thanks to Less baggage for the heads up, and post credit. Take a look HERE.
Book Offer . . .
Carrying on from March, when my Appalachian Trail memoir – Balancing on Blue, was on sale at a reduced price, you can now get a Kindle download of my Pacific Crest Trail memoir – The Last Englishman, on offer for all of April to celebrate the start of PCT season.
For everyone who’s taking on the trail this season – the very best of luck and have a blast.
Click on the book cover for full details.
Merlin seems to have vanished . . .
Phil Sorrell is up to all sorts down the West Country. Hiking, swimming, cycling and by the looks of things, getting a little damp in the process. He also failed to spot the controversial Merlin sculpture at Tintagel Castle.
He’s got the latest trip report HERE.
A man and his love for the Olympic National Park . . .
Barefoot Jake popped up with a sweet, award winning photo from his backcountry area of choice, the wonderful looking Olympic National Park in Washington, USA. He’s also got a sub link explaining about his camera kit. The photo is below, click on it to see his blog post or click HERE.
Don’t entertain these thoughts when hiking . . .
Kimberlie Anne Dame, Pacific Crest trail thru-hiker, blogger and writer gives us an insight into some of the thoughts our minds may become pre-occupied with when in the middle of nowhere HERE.
Downsizing . . .
James Boulter, of Backpacking Bongos fame, has downsized. Bongo, his old campervan unfortunately died last year. It’s now been replaced with a Fiat Dobliodopee, or something like that. Anyway, he explains how he’s coping with less room HERE. There’s a recent trip report as well as some very nice photies.
Gobsmacking Images . . .
Josh ‘Pockets’ Myers, who I hiked much of the Pacific Crest Trail with, has expanded his photographic portfolio recently. He’s also responsible for the cracking shot that is the front cover of my PCT memoir, The Last Englishman.
If you’ve not seen Josh’s work, he is undoubtedly the most talented photographer I know. His landscape work is mind-blowingly beautiful. You can harp on about equipment all day long, but if you haven’t got the number one weapon, your own eye, you won’t get very far.
This just one shot from his landscape collection. Zoom over HERE if you want to see the rest.